[PR] District Man Sentenced to Five Years for Shooting at Seventh District Police Officer


Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
District of Columbia

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

WASHINGTON – John Hudson, Sr., 31, of Washington, DC, was sentenced on January 6, 2020 to 60 months’ imprisonment and five years of supervised release after pleading guilty to one count of Felony Assault on a Police Officer While Armed back on November 1, 2019. He was sentenced by the Honorable Rainey Brandt yesterday morning in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

            U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu and Chief Peter Newsham, Metropolitan Police Department made the announcement.

            According to the government’s evidence, on September 18, 2019, at approximately 2:15 a.m., a Metropolitan Police Department Officer, in a marked patrol car and full police uniform, observed the defendant drive through a red light at the intersection of Suitland Parkway SE and Stanton Road SE. The officer attempted to initiate a traffic stop, but the defendant fled from the officer in his vehicle, ultimately crashing at the intersection of Morris Road SE and Elvans Road SE. When the MPD officer got out of his patrol car on Morris Road SE, the defendant ran straight towards him, passed the officer, and fired two shots over his shoulder at him. The officer returned fire, but the defendant disappeared into the tree line off Morris Road SE.

            Upon canvassing the area, officers recovered a Glock 26 9mm handgun near the tree line where the defendant entered the woods. The handgun had a 31 round capacity magazine inside, with 23 cartridges remaining. On Morris Road SE, near where the officer was pursuing the defendant, multiple cartridge casings were recovered. Two of those cartridge casings matched the cartridge casings inside the magazine of the Glock 26 9mm recovered from the scene.

            The defendant was ultimately apprehended by Seventh District officers in the woods shortly after the events took place. The MPD officer identified the defendant on scene as the man who shot at him. The defendant was placed under arrest, and has remained in custody ever since.

            In announcing the sentence, U.S. Attorney Liu and Chief Newsham commended the work of those who investigated the case from the Metropolitan Police Department. They also expressed appreciation for the work of Victim Witness Advocate Elsa Maltese and Assistant United States Attorney Kimberly Paschall, who investigated and prosecuted the matter.