[PR] Coronavirus Data for May 31, 2020


Monday, June 1, 2020

Washington, DC – The District’s reported data for Sunday, May 31, 2020 includes 56 new positive coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, bringing the District’s overall positive case total to 8,857.

The District reported two additional COVID-19 related deaths.

  • 79-year-old male

  • 87-year-old female

Tragically, 468 District residents have lost their lives due to COVID-19.

Visit coronavirus.dc.gov/data for interactive data dashboards or to download COVID-19 data.

Yesterday, it was reported that the countdown of sustained decrease in community spread of COVID-19 had paused while the data was under review. DC Health has confirmed that based on current available data, a new peak was detected in the data (as of May 29), resetting the District’s Phase One count. The count resets at the beginning of each new Phase, so that day became Day 0. Therefore, the District has experienced one day of sustained decrease in community spread based on data through May 30. That data is represented in the chart below.

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