[PR] A Message from the Metro Board of Directors

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For immediate release: June 8, 2020

We are living through one of the most difficult periods in our lifetimes. First, the Covid-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented health crisis that has claimed too many lives. The virus has also led to economic destabilization and tremendous financial uncertainty and loss for many. As if our hearts were not heavy enough from the consequences of this pandemic, we have, unfortunately, once again, witnessed firsthand with the killing of George Floyd, the racial injustice of black lives and inequities still very present in our communities. Black lives matter and to say we are heartbroken is an understatement.

For over 40 years, Metro has been a unifier for our Washington, DC/suburban Maryland/ Northern Virginia region. Every day, we bring people together from all walks of life: different races, different ethnicities, different economic standings, different abilities, different political beliefs, different religions and many, many more differences that make our region uniquely special. We acknowledge the historical role of transportation in the civil rights struggle of the U.S. and affirm our commitment to address any inequities of our system. The mobility Metro provides ensures access to jobs, healthcare, education, worship, entertainment and much more. Community access equals opportunity and Metro will continue to deliver on this promise.

From the great Nelson Mandela, “As I have said, the first thing is to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself... Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.” Metro has a longstanding commitment to diversity, transit equity, and inclusion, and we will keep that commitment at the forefront of all we do. As we continue to look for ways to elevate the conversation around these critical issues, we strive to not only follow best practices, but also serve as an example and leader for others. Metro will always do this with integrity, honesty and humility.

The WMATA Board of Directors and leadership team reaffirms the mission of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) to provide safe, equitable, reliable and cost-effective public transit by connecting communities, improving mobility, and stimulating economic development. We commit to identifying and addressing inequitable policies and practices that do not advance our mission. We collectively condemn systemic racism within and throughout our transit system.