Oct 7 - Feb 24 | Capoeira Angola Winter Series

Capoeira is a Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines defense movements with dance, music and rhythms. Come out on Saturday to learn traditional movements and rhythms of Capoeira Angola. Through various drills and games students will experience a fun and unique activity that builds strength, balance and coordination as well as develop focus, self expression, confidence and good self esteem. We will also explore the musical rhythms that will be played with instruments commonly used in Brazilian culture. Though this is a beginner level class anyone at any level is welcome to join in. Don't let the winter months have you stuck inside all day. Let's move, stay fit and have fun with Capoeira.

Children's Class: 2:00pm - 2:40pm
Ages 5 - 11 years old

Adults Class: 3:00pm - 4:10pm
Ages 12 and up