Oct 28 | Whitman-Walker Health kicks off #BAGGSeries

Join Whitman-Walker for a 6-week bad a** gurl group series starting today, 10/28! During this round of the #BAGGseries, they’re discussing astrology, love and more! Join the 10/28 “on Wednesdays, we wear pink” session in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Watch the BAGG at bit.ly/baggseries tonight at 7:30PM ET! 

Sponsored by Whitman-Walker Health.

The #BAGGSeries (aka the Bad A** Gurl Group Series) creates a space for womxn to gather, whether virtually – or in person eventually – to unwind, and to learn from one another. Experience musical selections from Alex Love and DJ Chan Don, and talk through love, astrology and sexual health catered to womxn with host Sol.

So you know what you're in for, The BAGG is broken up into 2 rounds each featuring 30 minutes of music and 15 minutes of sexual health talk for a one and a half hour session! Sponsored by Whitman-Walker Health.

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