Oct 14 | Veterinary Medicine Careers Virtual Information Session

Created Especially for High School & College Students interested in Veterinary Medicine
Saturday, October 14, 2023
10:00am to 12:00pm

Join  Drs. Brooks and Mendhiratta as they share their own educational journeys, career paths, and work experiences. This is a chance for students, in grades 9-12 and undergraduates, interested in veterinary medicine to hear first-hand accounts from veterinarians.  Drs. Brooks and Mendhiratta will tell how they prepared for vet school, mastered vet school, and chose their post-graduation careers. There will be limited time for Q & A at the end of each speaker's presentation. 

Click HERE to register.

The cost for the workshop is $25. However, no student will be denied access to participate because of the inability to pay.

 For information on financial assistance, and other questions,  please contact education@humanerescuealliance.org

Dr. Leslie Brooks, Veterinarian & Public Health Professional  
Dr. Brooks earned a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and a Master of Public Health degree at the University of Tennessee, in Knoxville. Her interests include access to veterinary care, animal welfare, and impactful policy as well as being passionate about communication and education. 

Dr. Vikas Mendhiratta, HRA Staff Veterinarian
Dr. Mendhiratta graduated from the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in North Grafton,  Massachusetts in 2019.  He earned his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland. His interests include expanding high-quality care within the community and veterinary education.