Nov 9 | (Un)Settled and (Un)Certain: Making Sense of Election 2020


Monday, November 9 | 6:30 – 7:45pm

Election season has left us worried and wondering what could possibly happen next. Here to answer your burning questions and provide some expert political commentary is Howard University’s own Dr. Keneshia Grant. Dr. Grant will share her insights as election news continues to unfold and will help us to make sense of what is happening in our democratic process. When will we know more? What can history tell us about this moment?

This program includes time for live Q & A as well as an opportunity to connect with others in small group discussion. Join us to ask questions, share concerns, and gain insight.

Twitter: @keneshiagrant, @HowardU,@HowardUNews
Insta: @keneshiagrant, @howard1867
Facebook: @HowardU

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NOTE: This program limited to 75 participants to allow for facilitated small group discussion.