Nov 10 | ANC 7C Monthly Meeting

ANC 7C's monthly meeting is this Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 7PM.

They meet on the second Thursday of the month (except July, August and December).

Join the meeting here!

or call (202) 860-2110 Access code: 479182377

An ANC is a non-partisan, neighborhood body made up of locally elected representatives called Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners. They are a unique feature of the District's Home Rule Charter.

The Commissioners, who serve two-year terms without pay, are elected at DC Elections in November in even-numbered years (e.g. 2016). The ANCs were established to bring government closer to the people, and to bring the people closer to government.

In addition to providing people with a greater say in the matters that affect their neighborhoods, ANCs were intended to end the duplication of effort caused by the proliferation of special advisory groups.

There are now 40 ANCs, up from 37 prior to the 2012 redistricting. Each ANC area is subdivided into a number of smaller areas. Since only one Commissioner is elected per district, they are called Single Member Districts (SMDs). (The Wards on the D. C. Council are also “single member districts.”) Each SMD consists of about 2,000 people. Although the SMDs should have equal populations, ANCs may vary widely in size. The biggest ANCs have 12 SMDs. The smallest has just 2. As a result of the population growth shown in the 2010 census, the number of SMDs has increased from 286 to 296.