May 7 - 10 | Entertainment & Sports Area Job Fair


Mayor Muriel Bowser, Events DC, and Monumental Sports & Entertainment are committed to promoting transformative community development in Washington D.C. by the construction of a new Entertainment and Sports Area (ESA). The ESA will be an innovative and unique venue that will provide a much-needed boost to on-going redevelopment in Ward 8, spur greater economic opportunities for residents, and help create more pathways to the middle class.

Catalytic Investment Opportunity

  • This is estimated to generate 300 permanent and 600 construction jobs, with a goal of hiring residents from surrounding community
  • The ESA is estimated to attract over 350,000 annual new visitors per year at stabilization.
  • Over lease term, Monumental Sports is contributing rent equivalent to $400,000/year and investing $10 million as a community investment towards community and economic revitalization of the St. Elizabeths East campus and surrounding community.
  • Anticipated total new tax revenues at $4.5 million annually for a total of $90 million in new tax revenues over 20 years
    including ticket tax, concessions, and income taxes.
  • Total return on dollars invested for DC is a fiscal return of $4 for each $1 invested in the ESA.
  • The ESA will drive private investment dollars to the St. Elizabeths East campus redevelopment, including enhanced retail
    and hospitality opportunities adjacent to the Congress Heights Metro.
  • Will spur retail and private development dollars in the surrounding Congress Heights area.