May 6 | Crystals + Pistols Presents: Namaste Strapped at CHACC

Crystals & Pistols is a collaborative effort between Black Star Defense Group & Nu InnerG to teach individuals how to protect themselves physically & metaphysically.

This course is divided up into two segments, "Crystals" & "Pistols," and here is what you get with each:

THE "CRYSTALS" - Fundamentals of Crystals - Healing & Protection - Chakra Activation - Crystal Grid Workshop - Orgonite Protection - EMF's & Harmful Radiation - Home Energy Defense

The "PISTOLS" - MD/DC Firearm Laws - Home Firearm Safety - Handgun Mechanisms and Operation - Developing a Personal & Home Protection Plan - Shooting Fundamentals - The Legal Use Of force Optional Offerings include: - Students have the option to opt-in for the Live Fire Drill - Students must demonstrate their ability to load and “live fire” 3 rounds from no more than 15 yards. This earns students their HQL ( Only required for MD residents - Meets the Utah Concealed Carry prerequisite which is recognized in 32 states.

Cost $100