March 26 - 28 | Spring Break Pop-Up Camp @CHACC



During Spring Break 2018 Congress Heights Arts and Culture Center is teaming up with Soul & Ink: A Live Screen Printing Experience, a mobile screen printing company led by husband and wife design team, Frankie and Sherry Meneses. We're working together to provide a fun and educational pop-up screen printing camp!

'Spring Break Pop Up Camp in collaboration with Soul & Ink' will be a 2-day workshop teaching participants (6th grade and up) the basics of design and screen printing on a t-shirt and posters.

Participants will get hands-on, creating their own design and pulling their own prints. Camp will be two days of 3-hour instruction plus lunch on Monday, March 26th and Wednesday, March 28th from 1-4pm.

Price: $100 per camper for 2-Day Screen Printing + Design Camp

Note: All materials included + lunch. Limited Space Available! 
A 2-day workshop teaching participants (6th grade and up) the basics of design and screen printing on a t-shirt and posters.

Limited Space Available! Visit CHACC’s website for more information and registration.