March 19 | Ward 8 Democrats Meeting

Join us tomorrow -- Saturday, March 19 at noon -- as we honor the life and legacy of longtime community leader Mary Cuthbert. Cuthbert served on our Executive Committee for more than 20 years in various roles including vice president. Several individuals who knew her well will share their reflections on the one and only Mary. You are invited to share yours as well.

Then, as we gear up for both the primary and general election cycles, join us for "Lessons from Democratic Women" where our panel will share their unique perspectives on our shared democratic values, ideals, and how lessons of the past inform the work still to come.

Scheduled panelists include:

Jeannette Mobley, President of the Democratic Federation of Women
Wanda Lockridge, Ward 8 Committeewoman and former Chair, DC Democratic Party
Linda Gray, Vice Chair, DC Democratic Party
Sheila Bunn, 1st Vice President, Ward 8 Democrats, and Add-on Committeewoman, DC Democratic Party
Silvia Martinez, National Committeewoman, DC Democratic Party**

** = invited to attend

Q&A to follow.