Public Testing Sites for COVID-19


If you have any coronavirus symptoms, call your doctor or one of the numbers below to get a free test now.

Priority Groups for Testing

The District has identified these priority groups for testing effective April 21, 2020:

Priority 1: Hospitalized patients and healthcare facility workers with COVID-19 symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath or history of exposure to laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patient. This ensures optimal care options for all hospitalized patients, lessens the risk of healthcare-associated infections, and maintains the integrity of the US healthcare system. Many of the patients in this group are currently receiving testing within hospitals and through their health systems’ occupational health programs.

Priority 2: Patients in long-term care facilities with symptoms or history of exposure to laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patient; patients over the age of 65 with symptoms or history of exposure to laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patient; patients with underlying conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease who also have symptoms or history of exposure to laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patient; and first responders with symptoms or history of exposure to laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patient. This priority ensures those at highest risk of complication of infection are rapidly identified and appropriately triaged.

Priority 3: Critical infrastructure workers with symptoms; individuals who do not meet any of the above categories but have symptoms; healthcare facility workers and first responders; and individuals in detention centers and individuals experiencing homelessness with symptoms. This priority will allow us to test individuals, as resources allow, to decrease community spread, and ensure the health of essential workers.

The District’s non-priority testing group includes individuals without symptoms and who do not meet the testing criteria.