June 5 | Forest Bathing Hosted by Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

Sat, June 5, 2021
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in collaboration with Raindancer Healing Arts are hosting a FREE Guided Forest Bathing walk through the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in Ward 7.

Forest bathing , also known as shinrin-yoku, in Japanese, means “bathing in the essence of the forest” and is scientifically proven therapeutic modality to aid in one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

What you will be doing: Participate in a 90-minute Forest Bathing saunter guided by certified Nature and Forest Therapy instructor J. Sage Raindancer. You will be guided through the Kenilworth Aquatic Garden’s paths and ponds providing you with a backdrop to prime your senses and observe nature differently. Explore and interact with the ponds with childlike curiosity and awe while taking the time to experience the therapeutic benefits of nature through forest bathing.

Participants are encouraged to dress weather appropriately and to bring bug spray, sunscreen, a bottle of water, a sit pad or a small lightweight camp stool/chair, and/or anything else one may carry on an easy day hike.

Learn more and register!