K.Billy Push, a Ward 8 small business
Learn more about Kawanza Billy
Business Name: K.Billy Push
When your business launched: 7/1/2017
Your business is based in: Ward 8
Are you a DC Certified Business Enterprise (CBE): No
What category is your business or service?: Arts & Culture, Business Support Services, Communications, Education, Event Support, Marketing, Other
If "Other" list the category of your business or services: Social Impact Strategy, Training and development, capacity building.
Description of Business: K.Billy Push is dedicated to creating and improving social impact initiatives. We use thought partnership, strategic planning and capacity building to evaluate and implement processes; building innovative solutions.
Our mission supports your organization to effectively share information, lessons and stories. With your collaboration, we design campaigns, content, special events, and interactive workshops to give you a little push.
Contact Name: Kawanza Billy
Your Position Title: Founder and Social Impact Strategist
Email Address: kawanza@kbillypush.com
Phone: (347) 995-6829
Website: http://www.kbillypush.com
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