June 8 | Tales & Trails: Anacostia Park Bike Ride

Saturday, June 8 · 9am - 12pm
Marion Barry Avenue SE & Anacostia Drive
Free event!

Join the DC Trail Rangers and National Park Service for a local history tour of the surrounding areas of Anacostia Park.

While many visitors enjoy the recreational fields of Anacostia Park, many are unaware of the important history under their feet! Starting from the Nacochtanke, the Indigenous peoples who lived along the Anacostia River, this tour takes visitors on a journey that includes the burning of the Navy Yard by the British during the War of 1812, the effort of 77 freedom seekers who sought freedom from enslavement by sailing out of Washington on the ship Pearl, and the role of the river in the early conservation movement and later during the environmental justice movement. The park's history comes well into the 20th century with landmark Civil Rights events such as the Anacostia Pool Riot and Malcolm X Day. Find out all the personalities and perspectives of the people who shaped the nation's future from Anacostia Park on this 7 mile, flat, paved trail bike ride!

This event is bring your own bike. If you don't have a bike and need to borrow one for the event please email trailranger@waba.org for a free Capital Bikeshare rental. All participants must wear a helmet while riding a bike. If you don't have a helmet please email trailranger@waba.org so we can be sure to bring one for you.

We recommend wearing closed-toe shoes and comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing and bringing a reusable water bottle.