JOB ALERT | Full-Time Retail/Marketing Associate

The Marketing/Retail Associate works at the Opportunity Shop in Georgetown (a charity shop to support programs for children) and provides external marketing through social media, coordinates the online store, and assists with day-to-day Shop operations.


  • Maintain and update the Op Shop’s Shopify website and serves as point person with online inventory and technical issues related to functionality and design

  • Manage Shopify website for both internal and external marketing of the Opportunity Shop

  • Serve as staff point of contact and liaison for Opportunity Shop Committee

  • Provide specific technical support for advertising, sales through social media, use of website and other strategies to boost sales to staff and volunteers

  • Manage the Opportunity Shop’s social media accounts to include Facebook and Instagram

  • Create video and Blog content for social media

  • Draft press releases to support the Opportunity Shop

  • Provide basic design and editing as needed to the Shopify website

  • Coordinate Opportunity Shop-related photography for inventory, events, and social media

Learn more and apply!