Jan 8 | Deadline to apply for Artists V. Hate, A Youth Art Competition


There's still time to submit your artwork for cash prizes! Deadline is Friday, January 8th.

The D.C. Office of the Attorney General, in partnership with Project Create, has launched a D.C. youth art competition called Artists v. Hate, Standing Up for Humanity. This competition, which is a part of Attorney General Racine’s larger counter hate initiative, is designed to empower D.C. youth to stand up against hate, to promote social justice, and to inspire change through art!

What is it?
We want to empower D.C. youth to design artwork that counters hate, promotes social justice, and inspires change. The Office of the Attorney General and Project Create designed this competition to generate dialogue in and outside of the classroom about taking a stand against hate and standing up for the common humanity we all share.

Who can participate?
Any District resident ages 11-19.

What art form is accepted?
Any! Spoken word, poetry, paintings, drawings, mixed media, graphic design, video, photography, etc. The rules and restrictions:

  • All artwork submissions must be accompanied by an artist statement, not to exceed 150 words.

  • JPEG, PNG, PDF, and MP4 files accepted.

  • MP4 files should not exceed 2 minutes.