Jan 16 | Ward 8 Democrats presents Citizen 101 Panel Discussion


With the election season officially over, now it’s time to become more active and engaged in the political process. But how?

Join the Ward 8 Democrats for the first of our new discussion series on Citizen 101 - Going from Active on Election Day to Activism 365 Days a Year. The first series will center around the District’s 2021 budget process and how to fight for your priorities.

Our incredible speaker lineup includes elected officials, community leaders, and grassroots activists who will help guide our discussion on everything from successfully advocating for policies and issues to connecting with the decision-makers and influencers among us.

Special Guest Speaker:
--Phil Mendelson, Chairman, DC Council

--Nikki Peele, Community Advocate and Publisher, Congress Heights on the Rise
--Jatarious Frazier, President, Gertrude Stein Democratic Club
--Latisha Adkins, Community Activist, and Founder, Bridging Voices
--Zach Israel, National Committeeman, DC Young Democrats

We hope to see you there.