ICYMI | The DC Mutual Aid Network has a Facebook page

“The DC Mutual Aid Network and Facebook group is a grassroots, community-led effort looking to take care of each other and keep our city as safe as possible.

What is mutual aid?

Mutual aid is people working together to meet each other’s material needs (food, housing, healthcare, etc). Mutual aid is different from charity and social services-- instead of replicating the hierarchy and control of non-profits and government programs, mutual aid efforts strive to be transparent, collaborative, and powered by the people. Mutual aid is political. Mutual aid projects recognize current systems as a fundamentally unjust, see the connections between our collective problems and various forms of oppression, and understand that building a more survivable society requires more than symbolic acts or pressuring government representatives-- it requires each of us to actively create the world we want to see.”

Learn more and join the Facebook Group!