I do NOT wish the Trumps well and I'm NOT hoping for a speedy recovery


Listen, I’m not going to be a hypocrite. I’m going to keep it 100.

I’m NOT wishing Donald Trump or Melania Trump well and I’m not praying for them either.

I have the same lack of concern for them that they had for millions of Americans who got COVID-19 (with many losing their lives) due to this administration’s lies & obstructions.

I’ll save my prayers for the families and friends of those that died and are sick.

Besides, we all know good, and well if they were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms they would continue to perpetuate these “coronavirus is like a cold” lies.

I hope they are really feeling it and maybe then they can learn some compassion and care for their fellow man and woman. Even then, if this becomes a “wake-up call” for them to take this pandemic serious and help people they are still ahead of the game - over 207,000 Americans will never wake up again.