🌟 Oct 30 | Anacostia Live and Livestreamed with Rhythminic Accents at Busboys and Poets [SP]

Rhythminic Accents is a cutting-edge jazz ensemble that features jazz standards, original jazz tunes, and classic funk, R&B, and popular tunes, all played with its own unique flavor. The band takes its name from the title of a well-known Thelonious Monk tune, Rhythm-A-Ning. Keyboardist/bandleader Bill Washburn founded the group in 1998.

Rhythminic Accents performs at venues throughout the metropolitan Washington area and has appeared at HR-57 Center for the Preservation of Jazz and Blues, Westminster Presbyterian Church Friday Night Jazz, Lincoln Theater, and Bohemian Caverns. Rhythminic Accents has also appeared in concert at the East Coast Jazz Festival in Rockville, MD and on WPFW-Pacifica’s Live @ 5 radio show.

Watch Livestream here!

Busboys and Poets
2004 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave, SE