💰GET THE BAG! Today's CHotR is all about JOBS + JOB TRAINING!
The Advoc8te wants you to secure the bag!
It’s occurred to me — more than a few times — that not every Ward 7 and 8 resident is aware of the many free job training and apprenticeship opportunities available east of the river. I was having a discussion with someone on social media and they mentioned the need for Information Technology training courses east of the river as the starting salaries are quite high and the demand is deep. Color her surprised when I and others replied that not only were their such classes east of the river, they have been going on for a while!
I’ve mentioned this on the site before but I think it stands repeating. Last fall, I enrolled in FREE classes at the Community College Preparatory Academy (CC Prep) in Congress Heights. CC Prep in partnership with The H.O.P.E. Project provided day and night I.T. classes. In short order, I secured my CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification (8 weeks) and my CompTIA A+ Certification (8 weeks in a 16-week class). Currently, I’m self-studying for my Network+ Certification which I hope to take by the end of the month. Why as an established marketing maven and consultant did I decide to take some I.T. courses?
Because I like cashing checks of course! 😂
Okay, seriously, I took the time to invest in myself because it’s never too late to learn a new skill. And at the risk of being a Sad Sally, it’s not about if there is going to be another recession it’s about when. Anyone old enough to realize how tough it was in 2008 during the last economic downtown would be wise to get ready now! If you think it’s hard out here now, imagine when 20% of the workforce is unemployed and you are competing with someone with a college degree and/or in-demand vocation skills. We are all definitely older, let’s try to be wiser. Let’s get this bag, start saving and shore up these emergency funds for the rainy day that is sure to come.
My point is that there are lots of great free job training and job readiness programs for DC residents, especially those living in Ward 7 and Ward 8. Now is the time to take advantage of them! you just have to do a little research and then go for it with all that you got. You do not have time to waste!
In addition to the job training information featured today, I will be sure to include a variety of part-time and full-time job opportunities in the District for those looking for new and/or supplemental employment. Let’s get these checks and if possible, make a difference in the community while we’re at it!
So be a pal and send this post to a friend (or two) so they can get on as well! Better yet, have them sign-up for the Congress Heights on the Rise Daily Digest so they can stay in the loop of all this great information.
Have a great Sunday and enjoy!