Free lifeguard training for DC residents


DPR uses the International Lifeguard Training Program (ILTP) to train and certified lifeguards to work at both indoor and outdoor aquatic facilities across the District. To register for an upcoming course, please click here.

The ILTP is an objective-driven program that produces lifeguards that perform at a higher level than those of other national/international training agencies.  It is a unique, comprehensive lifeguard training program; the content includes Health Care Provider level CPR (one and two-person CPR, AR, Foreign Body Airway Obstruction, and AED training), Emergency Oxygen Administration training, and First Aid, along with state-of-the-art rescue techniques.  The comprehensive nature of the program allows for a complete training curriculum that prepares the lifeguard with one, single course, the continuity of which produces competence and confidence.  Lifeguard candidates must successfully pass written and practical (“hands-on”) tests in order to receive an ILTP Course Completion Certificate that can be used to gain employment at any aquatic facility in the world. Adequate instruction time is provided for students to meet the training objectives and achieve “test ready” competency.