Feb 12 | Ward 8 Clergy and Faith Leaders Breakfast Meeting

The Ward 8 Faith Leaders are continuing to bridge the gap between the church and community. This month's special guest is Marcus Coleman of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships.

“The DHS Center seeks to build bridges across the whole community and to help overcome coordination challenges among FBOs, emergency managers and other stakeholders engaging a broad cross-section of FBOs in all stages of the disaster cycle. The DHS Center serves as a clearinghouse for information, connecting and coordinating with FBOs allowing information to be shared in both directions, informing decision-making at DHS by elevating concerns, ground truth and local situational awareness while providing feedback, updates and guidance to the faith community.”

Ward 8 Clergy & Faith Leaders Breakfast Meeting
Feb 12, 2022, 10:00 AM

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