DHCD's COVID-19 Rental Assistance Programs

From the DC Department of Housing and Community Development :

The Department of Housing and Community Development has developed two rental assistance programs to assist residents with paying their rent during the COVID-19 public health emergency. 

COVID-19 Tenant Based Rental Assistance – for renters in buildings of 50 units or less

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has developed a $1.5 million program funded by federal HOME dollars to offer tenant-based rental assistance to low-income renters. Rental assistance will allow district residents in buildings of 50 units or less to remain current with monthly rent payments and can be used retroactively to pay April and May rent. The fund is estimated to assist 400 households for a minimum of six months and up to two years based on financial need and available funds.

Financial assistance will be based on income and unit size. District residents must earn 60% of the Median Family Income (MFI) or below based on the COVID-19 Income & Rent Schedule. Residents will also have to demonstrate they are delinquent on rent or are unable to pay rent because they have lost employment due to COVID-19.

Housing Counseling Services and Latino Economic Development Center are administering the application intake process, conducting the income certification process for applicants, and completing payment disbursement. You may contact either organization to express interest in applying to the program and ask questions and they will conduct intake accordingly.

Housing Counseling Services – (202) 667-7713

Latino Economic Development Center – (202) 588-5102

Click here to read more about this program

COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program (CHAP)

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has developed the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program (CHAP), a $6.2 million program funded by the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) offering rental assistance to low-income renters who are in arrears.

Financial assistance will be based on income and household size as tenants must earn 80% of the Median Family Income (MFI) or below to qualify, based on the CHAP Income Schedule. District residents will have to demonstrate that they are delinquent on rent or are unable to pay rent due because they have lost employment due to COVID-19. Assistance can be applied for rent from April 2020 onward for up to three months of overdue rent depending on available funds.

Interested applicants are asked to fill out intake information by going to the central intake portal for emergency rental assistance found here. Applicants will then be routed to one of the following three community based organizations (CBO) -the Greater Washington Urban LeagueHousing Counseling Services and United Planning Organization. Each CBO will take applications, certify income and make payments to approved applicants by appointment only. Please contact any organization with questions on the program and application process.

Greater Washington Urban League – 202-524-8175 or by email at covidrent@gwul.org.

Housing Counseling Services – (202) 667-7713

United Planning Organization – (202) 231-7910 or (202) 231-7922

Click here to apply and read more about this program.

Learn more about all housing recovered assistance by visiting the District's Coronavirus website.