The Future of Congress Heights on the Rise without my Teddy
My Teddy Bear
I want to thank everyone for their condolences and kind words about the passing of my darling dog, Teddy. I would be lying if I didn't describe the past week as challenging; I miss my long-time companion very much. To put this in perspective, I had Teddy before I started Congress Heights on the Rise. In many ways, Teddy was the spark that got me involved in community work; during our walks around Congress Heights, I discovered what I loved about the neighborhood and what I wanted to support coming to Ward 8 (like dog parks).
That's another reason I needed to take the week off after Teddy's passing. In addition to needing time to mourn my best friend, I needed to learn how to produce the blog without my trusty writing partner. Teddy had literally and figuratively learned how to live around my work schedule over the years. In our first years, Teddy hated seeing my laptop because he knew his walks would be delayed! In our later years, he knew my early morning blogging meant he could sleep late (although that never stopped him from demanding his breakfast timely).
That was Teddy, always looking for the angles!
I will continue Congress Heights on the Rise, but I will probably always miss my "sweet babboo" snoring softly under the desk.
Your friend,
Nikki AKA The Advoc8te