Color Of Change seeks Graphic Designer - $76k


Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We develop strategies to put an end to policies and practices holding Black people back while championing the solutions that move all people forward. As a national force driven by over one million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more humane and less hostile world for Black people in America. In 2005, Color Of Change was founded in response to the realization that during the Hurricane Katrina crisis, no one was afraid to disappoint Black people. There were no consequences for Black people being left stranded on their roofs to die, nor was there sufficient infrastructure among Black communities to aggregate our power and demand them for those that perpetuated or refused to acknowledge the tragic injustice. Color Of Change is impacting lives by introducing accountability into the systems of decision-making. We leverage emerging technologies and our media savvy and sharp focus to build the power it takes to move decision-makers in corporations, media, and government to drive meaningful change for Black people in service of ending injustice for all oppressed groups.  


The Marketing & Storytelling team creates and leads the brand and content strategy necessary to translate and advance COC’s values, vision, and efforts across a broad set of national influencers and grassroots activists. Through various platforms and mediums, the team is responsible for supporting efforts across the organization to deliver on our main promise: provoking the level and frequency of action from our members and allies that will force target decision-makers to take action, and thereby achieve real-world impact and lasting, systemic change. The team is also responsible for brand management, strategic content development, content distribution, and high-level media relations. Central to the Marketing & Storytelling team’s work is COC’s Hollywood work that is designed to change the way Black people (and the issues we care about) are represented in entertainment media and to effectively leverage cultural influencers to support our campaigns.


We are seeking a talented Graphic Designer with a passion for creating content that can help motivate and rally people to end racial injustice wherever it exists, and who brings the right cultural orientation and creative sensibility for doing so. Working with the Chief Marketing & Storytelling Officer (CMSO), the Graphic Designer will lead the production of high-quality creative assets to promote the brand, campaigns, and initiatives of the organization through key channels, in the context of an overall marketing and engagement strategy set forth by the organization—social media, websites, presentations, print materials, merchandise, etc. The Graphic Designer will work within our overall design management process, and will at times work closely with external content and design consultants. The Graphic Designer is experienced in creating powerful, savvy, on-strategy graphic assets in response to a creative brief, sophisticated brand book and assessment metrics, as well as in identifying opportunities to increase the efficacy of COC creative content.