BE A GOOD CITIZEN | Recognizing & Reporting Animal Cruelty in DC

The below information is courtesy of the Humane Rescue Alliance. If you suspect animal cruelty or neglect, it’s your duty to report it. Let the authorities investigate and, if necessary, take action. We owe a responsibility to all members of our community, human and animal alike, to ensure they are safe, healthy, loved, and treated humanely and with care. I’ve seen dogs on the street that have had the signs of dog fighting, which is an absolute scourge on any community, Only the lowest of the low and the cruelest of heart would engage in such an activity. Those who participate in dog fighting or allow it to continue do not deserve our silence or complicity. Please do not turn a blind eye to suspected abuse. Dial 911 or the Humane Law Enforcement Department at the Humane Rescue Alliance; they have investigators on call 24 hours a day and seven days a week. They can be reached at 202-723-5730.

- The Advoc8te

Recognizing and reporting animal cruelty is easy once you know what to look for.


  • Are there any open wounds on the animal?

  • Is the animal so skinny that you can easily see bones protruding?

  • Is the animal limping or having difficulty moving around?

  • Does the skin or coat look normal or are there patterns of hair loss or signs of lesions?

  • Is the coat matted or preventing the animal from moving around properly?

  • Is the animal acting lethargic or not getting up from the ground?


  • Does the animal have protection from the sun, rain, or snow?

  • Is the animal chained to an object in a manner that jeopardizes health and/or safety?

  • Is the animal kept in a crate that is too small for him or her to maintain normal body postures or confined for too long a period of time?

  • Is the animal forced to live in his or her own waste?

If you see any of these signs, please contact our Humane Law Enforcement Department immediately at 202-723-5730. Yours may be their only voice.

Combat Cruelty

The Humane Rescue Alliance has been combating animal cruelty for more than 100 years, and we could not help as many animals as we do without the help of our friends who care so much.

There are several ways you can help us combat cruelty.

  • Volunteer to join our Missing Animal Response Team (M.A.R.T.)

  • Don’t ever look away from animal cruelty; report it immediately.

  • Educate others on what to look for and how to report it. Animal cruelty doesn’t always stem from violent or callous acts. Often, it come from the animal's owner being uneducated about proper pet care. When this is the case, we all have an opportunity to make a better world for animals by working with owners to help them understand the animal’s basic needs.

  • Donate to the Combat Cruelty Fund: Donations to this fund help the HRA Humane Law Enforcement team investigate abuse, prosecute offenders, save animals in danger, and fight animal cruelty.