Aug 29 | Arcadia Mobile Market in Historic Anacostia


Friday, August 28: 3-6pm – Edgewood
Edgewood St. NE & Evarts St. NE

Saturday, August 29: 10am-1pm – Anacostia
13th ST SE & W St. SE

Market rules:

If you are sick, stay home! Only one household member should attend. Face masks are required! Stay 6 feet from others. No pets allowed. Customers must not touch products before purchase. Keep your Market visit brief.


Pre-ordering is only available for Thursday pickup sites. We anticipate resuming pre-ordering at markets once Produce Plus Direct ends at the end of September. Thank you to all of you who have place pre-orders thus far! And thank you for your patience and support as we've continued to work through the logistics of an especially challenging year!

We will still have a large selection at every market, so we hope to be able to meet your needs with what is available at market.