Aug 1 | Ward 7 Community Bike Ride


Saturday, August 1 from 12pm - 2pm.

They will be starting at Butterfly Park (East Capitol St. &Sycamore Rd NE) to the Anacostia Tributary Trail and stopping at Bardo Brewery before returning.

This trip is approximately 6 miles each way. This is a "no drop" ride meaning we'll go as fast as the slowest biker.

Safety: We will adhere to CDC COVID-19 guidelines, including:
Bring a face-covering & hand sanitizer
Maintaining physical distance between other riders
Staying home if we are unwell or have had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient

Please bring water to hydrate along the ride. If you need a bicycle, you can take advantage of the Capital Bikeshare docking station at the starting location. Visit to sign up.

If you would like to share thoughts or join Ward 7 Transportation Group, email