Attention Youth! Applications still being accepted for Public Allies DC! Apply Now!

I can not say enough GREAT things about this program! Years ago I taught a small class for ARCH Development in Anacostia and I hung a small Public Allies flyer on the wall and made a short mention about the application process. Little did I know at the time that one of my students applied for the program. A few weeks later I was eating lunch at Uniontown and he bounded in waving his phone around and screaming. He had been accepted into the program! We both flipped out! And just like that this amazing, intelligent, thoughtful and focused young man went from working retail into being an experienced community manager (and more!). Over the years he has just grown so much personally and professionally and I am in awe. This program changed his life in so many ways because it gave him an opportunity, mentorship and community. 

 Apply now for a chance to change your life. Every time I think of the moment this young man told me he was accepted into the program I get emotional all over again. Mr. P. and I still connect and I get emotional every single time! Attending his Public Allies graduation ceremony has been one of the high points of my life. So stop what you are doing and reach out to a young person and have them APPLY! If they want to make a change for a better live with new opportunities this is a great program. 
