April 8 | Volunteer Training for Water Quality Citizen Scientists


Become a Volunteer Water Quality Citizen Scientist and gain hands-on experience collecting data and water samples throughout the District!

Working together to understand the health of District of Columbia Waters, the District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) awarded a grant to Anacostia Riverkeeper to implement a volunteer-based citizen science water quality monitoring program with the goal of providing up-to-date, weekly water quality data to residents and visitors. For this project, Anacostia Riverkeeper has partnered with Audubon Naturalist Society, Rock Creek Conservancy, Potomac Riverkeeper Network and Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay.

We need your help to sample sites weekly throughout the summer! Here's your opportunity to become a certified water quality citizen scientist. Sampling is done Wednesday, with Thursday mornings as a back up for inclement weather. After attending a training session, volunteers will collect water quality samples from 22 sites in the District once a week. 

Each site will be sampled for bacteria, water temperature, air temperature, pH, and turbidity. Do not worry if these terms are unfamiliar, all will be taught in the training! 

All interested volunteers are required to attend one training session. Can't make this session? Join Training #2 on Saturday, April 25.

Questions? Send the program an email.