April 24 | Historic Connections to Our Community Gardens


Saturday, April 24 | 10:30am – 12pm

Our first workshop of the season will guide attendees on an exploration of historic Barry Farm-Hillsdale and the role of “truck gardens” in the foundations of a healthy, thriving community. ACM curator Alcione Amos will trace the community’s connection to and stewardship of their green spaces while garden facilitator Derek Thomas will guide us through the first steps of the museum’s truck-garden inspired green spaces/beds. 
About the series “Growing Community: Connecting the How and the Why of Gardening” 
Gardens are more than seeds and soil. They can be unexpected and important sites of community empowerment. They allow us to connect with the land while feeding the people we care about. Gardens can mean financial security and even freedom. During this six-part series, virtual participants will learn techniques for growing vegetables and herbs at home and explore the history of gardening in DC’s East of the River communities.   

Photo Caption: [Woman Gardening], photograph, April 15, 1958; (texashistory.unt.edu… accessed April 15, 2021), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Austin History Center, Austin Public Library. 

Venue: Anacostia Community Museum
Event Location: Online
Cost: FREE
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