April 21 | Open Mic Nite at Busboys and Poets with Miss Kiane Ink

A Busboys and Poetry Event hosted this week by Miss Kiane Ink
$5 Cover

Although she is a social worker by profession, she is a poet by passion. In 1997, Dinahsta launched KIANE INK. She wrote cards, poems and other writings for special events and as special gifts. In 2005, she expanded KIANE INK to include the artistry of poetic performance in which she enjoys performing poetry at special events and spoken word venues. This year; however, Kiane Ink has evolved into a perfect fusion of Dinahsta’s professional and passionate interests offering cathartic/creative writing workshops, artistic community events and individual coaching. Kiane Inkprovides a platform for hope, healing and social justice through poetry and creative expression. Because writing served as a therapeutic outlet for her during her childhood and adulthood, Dinahsta believes that poetry can help others in a similar way. In her own words, “Poetry is my friend, my catharsis….my gift to the world….”