Jan 15 | Ward 8 Democrats hosts FY 2023 Ward 8 Budget Priorities and Discussion

Where should the District spend its money? Public safety? Education? Jobs? These are just a few areas where Ward 8 residents want the District to make investments. But how do we advocate for these and other priorities...and win!

Join us at noon on Saturday, January 15, 2022 for Ward 8's Fiscal Year 2023 budget priorities discussion with guest speaker Erica Williams, executive director of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute. She and others will help us demystify the DC budget process and how you can get engaged.

Log on and help the Ward 8 Democrats and your fellow residents map out a strategy for ward budget priorities in the upcoming budget. Let's create a blueprint for the Mayor and Council to take needed action!

Don't join alone; invite a neighbor.

Date: Saturday, January 15, 2022
Time: Noon

Click here to RSVP!