HELP WANTED | Center Director for Skyland Workforce Center

About the Skyland Workforce Center
Skyland Workforce Center (SWC) is a joint project of the development team for the Skyland Town Center and The WorkPlace DC, a coalition of local non-profit organizations that provide employment-related services in Southeast DC. The goal of the Center is to co-locate services and programs on-site that connect job seekers with resources that can help them successfully obtain and retain employment. The Center’s four partner organizations: Byte Back, Samaritan Ministry, Southeast Ministry, and Thrive DC collaborate to provide work readiness and computer training, GED tutoring and adult education, case management, and referrals for employment and/or social services.

Many individuals who seek services and support at the Center face multiple employment barriers such as criminal backgrounds, homelessness, low reading, math and computer literacy, and lack resumes. The Center’s partner organizations work together to help ease these employment barriers, giving Center participants the best possible chance to achieve employment success.

Many Center visitors are also looking for jobs on the Skyland Town Center construction site. The Center assists in placing individuals in construction-related positions on the project, and with other local construction employer partners.

Skyland Workforce Center’s mission is to offer a broad range of services to help individuals seeking employment in any industry to improve skills that can increase their chances of getting hired.

Position Summary
Skyland Workforce Center (SWC) seeks a qualified individual to serve as Center Director. This position requires excellent organizational skills, fundraising experience, and a commitment to workforce development, as well as the ability to work with a wide range of individuals including job seekers, nonprofit service providers, DC government staff, construction managers, employers/businesses, and other stakeholders. The Center Director is responsible for maintaining a collaborative spirit between all partner organizations providing services on-site with the goal of offering high-quality programs and services to all who seek assistance at SWC.

Provide day-to-day management of Skyland Workforce Center
Create a welcoming and supportive environment for clients and staff
Outline and implement operational policies and procedures for the Center
Develop programs in collaboration with partner providers to meet participant needs
Perform community outreach to publicize Center resources and identify potential partner providers, employers, and businesses that need workers
Create and maintain a collaborative working environment between SWC partner organizations, while also managing the Center’s relationships with partner providers
Establish and maintain relationships with businesses and employers who have need for experienced workers in construction, environmental services, food service, hospitality, and other related fields
Develop and manage the annual budget for the Skyland Workforce Center
Oversee and execute fundraising strategies in partnership with the Steering Committee
Meet regularly with partner providers and staff to evaluate goals, improve collaboration and monitor progress
Work with the Steering Committee to set policies, direction, and strategies for the Center and provide monthly progress reports and financial updates to the Steering Committee
Ensure that client needs are being effectively met, and identify gaps in services and programs or processes to close the gaps
Develop a set of metrics to measure the Center’s impact and effectiveness, and track clients’ progress and achievements by analyzing collected data and outcomes
Monitor partner organizations’ performance against terms of agreements
Serve as a liaison with the property development team, Steering Committee, and outside funders
Oversee financial operations of Center and prepare routine budget and expense reports
Supervise staff hired directly by the Center which currently includes: full-time Office Manager; full-time Lead Case Manager; and part-time Office Assistant

Career Experience
Masters-level education in non-profit or business management, human resources, social services, adult education, workforce development, or relevant discipline; or equivalent applicable work experience
Minimum of 3-5 years of senior nonprofit management experience and demonstrable interest in workforce development
Minimum of 3 years of fundraising experience
Collaborative leadership style and prior supervisory experience
Knowledge of local resources on job training, education, and other assistance programs such as mental health services
Strong relationships with local and locally-based national businesses, preferably in the fields of environmental services, hospitality, retail, food service, and construction
Outstanding customer service orientation
Superb communication, interpersonal, and writing skills
Exemplary problem-solving and analytic skills
Progressive and creative thinker
Strong organizational skills
Ability to work independently
High degree of energy and motivation
Advanced Microsoft Office skills, such as PowerPoint, Excel, and Word, as well as experience with databases, Salesforce preferred
Preference, but not a requirement for consideration, for candidates who are licensed social workers or who have a Masters in Social Work (MSW)
Prior experience working east of the Anacostia, and/or DC resident preferred
How to Apply

Qualified applicants should apply directly through the position link on WC Smith’s website ( and submit electronic copies of the following:

Cover letter with salary requirements
Skyland Workforce Center is an equal opportunity employer and values a diverse workforce.