Oct 12 | 11th St Bridge Park hosts 'Affordable Housing in Anacostia – Getting the Balance Right'

Wednesday, October 12 at 6:30 PM - 8 PM
Anacostia Arts Center
1231 Good Hope Rd SE, Washington, District of Columbia 20020

Hot markets like Washington D.C. are working hard to preserve a range of housing options for their residents, but what is the right mix between affordable and market rate homes? And what do we mean by “affordable?” This panel will encourage an open discussion about how to preserve affordable housing in Anacostia while incentivizing new retail opportunities like restaurants, dry cleaners and shops and explore what tools are available for the community to shape future neighborhood development. This program augments the exhibition “Better Homes and Gardens” on view at Vivid Solutions Gallery from September 30 through November 19, 2016.

Confirmed Participants:
Oramenta Newsome, Washington, DC LISC Vice President
Amanda Stephenson, Anacostia Business Improvement District Executive Director
Sarah Scruggs, MANNA, Inc. Director of Advocacy and Outreach
David Bowers, Enterprise Community Partners Vice President (moderator)