Today I was recognized as a Washington Business Journal "40 Under 40"!

Last year, during a very turbulent time in my life I sat down and wrote a list of things I wanted to accomplish over the next year. Things I envisioned would stretch me personally and professionally to move outside of my comfort zone. Some of the items like "travel more" were fun (I've since taken 5 international trips), others like "fall in love" were just plain terrifying (I don't do vulnerable) and a few like "doubling my income" were a lot easier than I thought (and no I did not rob a bank).

Reconnecting with friends and family is still something I continue to struggle with as my daily life is something of a cross between a circus and a high speed highway. That said, I have had the pleasure of making new friends over the past year and each has brought something special and unique into my life. Finding the time to touch base with my old (before I became The Advoc8te) reminds me of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful group of friends who didn't take it personally when I dropped off the map for years at a time.

Today is another milestone day as I check another item off of my "Stretch List"! The Washington Business Journal selected me as one of their "40 under 40" Business Executives for 2016! I am so honored and humbled to be included with such an amazing group of innovators, CEOs and game changers.  A very thoughtful colleague (thanks Anne-Marie!) submitted my nomination.  I found out a few weeks ago that out of "hundreds and hundreds" of nominations I made the cut! Wow! You can read my profile and those of the other amazing 39 honorees HERE.

Let me tell you, it makes being 39 (and single!) a lot easier to swallow. Lol.

I am both humbled and thankful that my efforts working in Ward 8 both for myself under my reSPIN footprint and for two amazing organizations like Arch Development Corporation and Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC) have been recognized. Who knew that purchasing a condo in Congress Heights in 2007 would have led to a new career, new friends,  and so many wonderful opportunities?! Sometimes I have to pinch myself for all of the great things that have come my way.

I didn't do this on my own. I owe a lot of thanks to the faith and support of some really amazing people like my mentor and former boss Duane Gautier (ARCH Development Corporation) and my dear friend, former blogger and current At-Large Council Candidate David Garber. David was the inspiration for starting Congress Heights on the Rise and David did my very first press interview.  My story wouldn't be complete without Charles Wilson who saw the crazy dedication in me and gave me a shot on his Ward 8 campaign.  I am so thankful for this path and I am so thankful for the amazing people who have been brought into my life because of it. And while sometimes it does get lonely and I have sacrificed certain aspects of a social life to do this stuff, it's worth it when I see the great things happening in Ward 8 and the people who benefit from it. So I encourage everyone who has not done so to write a list of their dreams and go out there and make it happen. I promise the journey will be well worth it.

The Advoc8te
AKA Nikki Peele