Carl T. Rowan Chapter of BIG 2nd Annual Youth Oratorical Competition

The Carl T. Rowan Chapter of Blacks In Government (BIGCTR) is sponsoring its 2nd annual oratorical competition on Friday, April 8,
2016 at 3 pm at U.S. Department of State, 600 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC, SA-17 Auditorium.

The Oratorical Competition provides students in grades 9 – 12 with the opportunity to practice and enhance their public speaking and written communications skills by delivering a 4-6 minute oration.  The 2016 Oratorical Competition theme is: "21st Century Racial Equality, Justice or Injustice: Where are we headed?”.  Students will compete locally for first, second, and third place recognition. The first place winner will represent the Carl T. Rowan Chapter and advance to the Regional Competition on June 25, 2015. The winner of the regional competition will go on to compete in the nationwide competition to be held on August 23-25, 2015, at the Blacks In Government (BIG), Annual National Training Institute in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Attached to this email is information about BIGCTR, the oratorical competition flyer, brochure (with the application), guidelines and rules for the contest.  Please email completed applications to by Friday, March 17, 2016.  You may forward any questions or comments regarding the competition to the same email address.

Encourage your students to speak up and make a BIG difference!

Thank you for Thinking BIG!
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