Mama's Pizza Kitchen was robbed last night -- this is how you can support them.

I hate, absolutely hate reporting news like this. Anyone who loves great pizza and great people knows Mama's is the best place for both. Located in historic Anacostia, Mama's Pizza Kitchen (2028 MLK Jr. Ave SE) is a bedrock of the community. Mama is both sweet, kind and a great cook. This is just devastating for Mama's as well as for the community. Mama is known to provide free food to hungry people and she is really one of the best that Ward 8 has to offer. I sincerely hope the police catch the criminal (who really is just a low down dog to rob this place) quickly. 

That said, The Advocate would like to implore Mama's friends, neighbors and supporters to do two things: 

1) If you know who the robber is please call in a tip to the police. 
2) Support Mama's by giving them your business.