UPDATED: Anacostia neighborhood raises $925 in 12 HOURS for Mama's Pizza Kitchen after robbery!

As of 7:29am the support continues to come in for Mama's Pizza. In under 19 hours $1,265 has been raised -- $465 over their goal! You can tell by the photo below "Mama" is very moved by the outpouring of community support. 

This happened so fast I didn't even have time to blog about it. This right here is why Anacostia is a great  place to eat, shop and live -- the community looks out for each other! 

I wold write this story but I don't think I can do this justice. Out of a bad situation came a really beautiful thing -- members of the community coming together to support another member of the community. Now only did this GoFundMe campaign (created by Ron Moten) not only raise the money needed to get Mama's a video security system -- it surpassed the goal in only 12 hours! Also a lot of non financial support was offered as well, We Act Radio will now be broadcasting from Mama's one late night a week and I can't tell you how many people stopped by Mama's Pizza today to offer words of encouragement and to support the business with a purchase. The Anacostia BID went into hyperdrive to organize and get the word out on a community meeting on October 21st at 11am to discuss among other issues the recent robberies of small businesses. 

Is Anacostia perfect? Of course not. But it is a commUNITY and we come through when we need each other. 

And that is pretty damn perfect in my book. ;) 

Although Mama's has met their goal don't let that stop you from making a contribution to their Go Fund Me account, they have been robbed five times over the past year and I am sure they could use the Go Fund Me donations to offset some of those losses. Go HERE to make a contribution.

P.S. For as much as the local  media loves to tell a negative story about "Southeast DC" I hope they can run and tell this! ;)