LOOSE LIPS | Nadeau Introduces Bill to Boot Absentee ANC Commissioners

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Councilmember Brianne Nadeau has introduced a new bill that would boot an advisory neighborhood commissioner who misses three consecutive meetings, an issue that’s particularly plagued some of her Ward 1 constituents.

Kent Boese, chairman of the ANC 1A, has dealt with members who would blow off meetings during their last session. Boese’s commission and ANC 1B have both had to reschedule meetings in the past when enough members wouldn’t show up to reach quorum.

“There’s not much you can do to force somebody to come to the meeting,” says Boese, whose ANC pushed for the legislation through a resolution.

The quorum problem usually affects larger ANCs, according to Boese, when some commissioners think it might be fine to miss a meeting when there are many other members.

Not all community members seem thrilled about Nadeau’s proposal though.
Sandra Seegars, a former commissioner in Ward 8, doesn’t think councilmembers should “write a law to get rid of an elected person.” She instead suggests lowering the quorum threshold, which currently requires one more than half of the total members of a commission to be in attendance in order to vote on matters.

The Advoc8teANC, Loose LipsComment