What do you love or hate about entertainment options in Ward 8?

The Advoc8te has been spending a lot of time lately thinking about how I spend my free time and disposable income when it comes to entertainment. What makes a person pick this event or venue over that? What constitutes a "good time" and what would make me, the consumer, recommend a venue or event to someone else?
That got me to thinking about the venues we have in Ward 8 that provide everthing from art to theater to yoga. What about those places make you try them out and come back? What about those places leave you not feeling super excited?

So I am asking you the reader to share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions on specific venues or events that take place in Ward 8? 

Tell me where you have gone and what you liked about that place and tell me what could be improved. Is there a need for more adult events? Are the children's events lacking? Are the events themselves engaging and current? Could a place benefit in investing in public seating or a better music system? Are some events all style and no substance or vice versa? Is it challenging to figure out what is going on? Is cost an issue? Is location an issue? 

What is working and what could stand from some adjustments? 

I want to hear from you-- don't hold back. Your feedback could be really helpful. 

To help you out in your review process I am including some of the most well-known public spaces and entertainment/cultural venues in Ward 8.

Anacostia Arts Center
Anacostia Playhouse
Honfleur Gallery
Vivid Solutions Gallery
Anacostia Library
Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum
Anacostia Park
Gateway DC
African American Heritage Museum
Southeast Tennis and Learning Center

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