In Pictures | YouthNights@THEARC kickoff -- Keeping Ward 8 + Ward 7 Youth safe during Spring Break!

Including some pictures from tonight's YouthNights@THEARC kickoff event. Game Night at THEARC featured basketball tournaments, board games, art, music and more metallic temporary tattoos than you can shake a stick at! 

YouthNights@THEARC is a series of free events from Monday, April 13th - Thursday, April 14th, 8pm - 11pm. Each night has a theme designed to keep east of the Anacostia river youth safe and engaged during the crucial evening hours. 

Free bus transportation to and from THEARC each night, free activities and free snacks for Ward 7 and Ward 8 families! Please spread the word!

To learn more about YouthNights@THEARC including how to volunteer or make a donation go HERE.