PR | Natalie Williams Wins Ward 8 Straw Poll

CONTACT: Khendall Beale
Telephone: 202-957-3439

"Unbought and Unbossed"  
Natalie Williams Wins Ward 8 Straw Poll
"The Ward 8 seat will not be won by special interest money or from those outside of Ward 8, instead by the people of Ward 8."

(Washington DC)  On Saturday, February 28, 2015, Natalie Williams, Candidate for Ward 8 Council seat, won majority vote in a straw poll for the candidate to "most likely win the special election on April 28, 2015." The final count was Natalie Williams 39, LaRuby May 36, Sheila Bunn 14, Sandra Seegars 9, Keita Vanterpool 2, Greta Fuller 1, and Karlene Armstead 1.

The straw poll, held at Ambassador Baptist Church at 1412 Minnesota Avenue, SE, was hosted by DC Women in Politics (DCWIP) and welcomed all women candidates vying for the Ward 8 seat on the Council of the District of Columbia.

Candidates debated on various women's issues including: domestic violence, education, and affordable housing.  After which, Ward 8 residents who attended the forum were able to vote for the candidate who strongly demonstrated awareness on the issues and who could best lead the Ward as Councilmember.  Shortly after 5:15pm, the polling committee of DCWIP announced that Natalie Williams had won majority vote.

Williams is elated and thankful for the support received from the community. ""Since day one, this campaign has been powered by Ward 8 residents that understand just how much Leadership Matters. They have invested in my effort to create opportunities and my vision to move Ward 8 forward.  Their vote today confirms that people, not outside interests, still decide elections." said Williams. 

Ms. Williams affirms that she and the hard working people of Ward 8 will win this election by their votes and support of the "$8.00 for Ward 8" fundraising campaign.  "I can honestly say that I don't owe anything to any lobbyists, business interest, or political figure that would hold me from fighting for the residents of Ward 8. As Council member, when I cast my votes it will be solely based on what the residents of Ward 8 want - not political favors owed.  

In the words of the late great, Ms. Shirley Chisholm, the 1st woman to run for President of the United States and the first black woman elected to Congress - I am unbought and unbossed!  I ask the good people of Ward 8 to vote April 28th for me.  On this date let us declare by a vote for me that leadership is earned not bought, and that getting people to vote should not be driven by the size of your bank account but the measure of your character and your vision to do better.  With God's help we will make April 28th our Independence Day.


#8forWard8 is a fundraising initiative powered by a grassroots campaign that provides opportunity for everyday Ward 8 residents both employed and unemployed, to participate in the politics of this city and have their voices heard.  

Residents have the opportunity to commit $8.00 to the campaign as their commitment to believe in the forward progress of Ward 8 through this campaign. To Donate, visit

 Natalie Williams is known for her forward thinking and fearless leadership. Formerly Vice President at United Medical Center, Natalie fought to keep the hospital open, increase its services and programs, and to improve its overall brand and image. She currently represents Ward 8 residents as the Chairwoman of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8A, which includes the Hillsdale, Fairlawn, and Historic Anacostia communities. As President of the Ward Eight Democrats, Inc. Natalie works to improve Democratic relations between the organization and the DC State Committee.

Williams is committed to the development of the people of Ward 8. She understands that it takes good basic services, improved educational outcomes, sustainable career opportunities, and increased public safety to create a better quality of life for all Ward 8 residents. For more information on Natalie Williams, visit