Tonight @ THEARC | 'Riot From Wrong' Film Screening and Discussion

I am writing to invite you to a FREE dinner reception, film screening of the critically acclaimed documentary Riot from Wrong, and panel discussion at THEARC DC (1901 Mississippi Avenue, SE, Washington, DC) on Tuesday, December 9. The flyer is attached. Open Society Foundations is proud to sponsor this event together with Fully Focused Community, the youth organization that created the film.

Riot from Wrong chronicles the 2011 shooting death of 29-year-old Mark Duggan by police in North Tottenham London. Duggan was of mixed race, and his death sparked peaceful protest and civil unrest among community members, which spread across London. The similarities between the 2011 London unrest and the tensions between community and police that followed the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown and the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Wilson are striking.
After the film, stay with us for a performance by Karega Bailey and a panel discussion with D.C.- and London-based youth activists and community leaders who will consider the root causes of civil unrest, including racial profiling, and possible solutions to youth exclusion and racial tensions at home and abroad.