Your guide for who's running for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in Ward 7

Tuesday, November 4th is Election Day! And while the big talk surrounds voting for who will be the next mayor of Washington, D.C., don't forget that there are a lot of other important elections taking place -- positions that have an immediate impact on what goes on in your neighborhood!

It is time to vote for new Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners! It is time to vote for someone to represent your single member district and can be your voice for projects and plans effecting your neighborhood. Don't know what ANC Single Member District you live in? Go HERE and input your home address and find out! Then attend a meeting and get involved. Did you know that ANC's receive quarterly stipends that they can use to make improvements in your community? Find out how they are spending those allotments and assist them in making your community great! Go HERE for a list of audit and quarterly financial reports. 

What is an Advisory Neighborhood Commission?
"The Advisory Neighborhood Commissions consider a wide range of policies and programs affecting their neighborhoods, including traffic, parking, recreation, street improvements, liquor licenses, zoning, economic development, police protection, sanitation and trash collection, and the District's annual budget.

In each of these areas, the intent of the ANC legislation is to ensure input from an advisory board that is made up of the residents of the neighborhoods that are directly affected by government action. The ANCs are the body of government with the closest official ties to the people in a neighborhood.

The ANCs present their positions and recommendations on issues to various District government agencies, the Executive Branch, and the Council. They also present testimony to independent agencies, boards, and commissions, usually under the rules of procedure specific to those entities. By law, the ANCs may also present their positions to Federal agencies."

Including a list of current ANC Commissioners in Ward 7 and a list of those running for office. Keep in mind that you can only vote for an ANC Commissioner for the Single Member District in which you live. ANC races can be won or lost be as little as one vote! Make sure yours count! Curious about what has been happening in your ANC? Search this blog by the ANC number in the tags section of this blog post (example, ANC 7A, ANC 8C, etc.) and also search the D.C. Auditor's website for past audits and quarterly statements.


Current Commissioners

Who's running for a seat in ANC 7B 
(these are the people on the ballot, you can still write-in a candidate)

Current Commissioners

Who's running for a seat in ANC 7C 
(these are the people on the ballot, you can still write-in a candidate)

Current Commissioners

Who's running for a seat in ANC 7D
(these are the people on the ballot, you can still write-in a candidate)

Current Commissioners

Who's running for a seat in ANC 7E
(these are the people on the ballot, you can still write-in a candidate)

(formerly known as ANC 7A until they requested a name change because of the notoriety surrounding the original name)

Current Commissioners

Who's running for a seat in ANC 7F
(these are the people on the ballot, you can still write-in a candidate)