Aug 16 | Jonathan French to recieve the 3rd Annual East of the River Distinguished Artist Award

ARCH Development Corporation (ADC) and the Gautier Family are pleased to announce Jonathan French as the winner of the third annual East of the River Distinguished Artist Award. ADC will host an awards ceremony on August 16 at Honfleur Gallery to formally present French with his $5,000 prize.

The following individuals made up this year’s panel:
Nasar Abadey (musician)
Michael Bigley (The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation)
Sharon Gautier (art collector and family representative)
Patrick McDonough (artist)
Amber Robles-Gordon (artist).

French’s interest in photography started 40 years ago. Primarily a self-taught photographer, he has taken his personal and professional role of visual historian seriously since 1996. French has been a Catalogue Technician at The Library of Congress for 26 years.

Jonathan French, 3rd Annual East of the River Distinguished Artist
French’s photography has been exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally; including exhibitions in various parts of Africa, the Caribbean, and in Paris, France.

Please join ADC, the Gautier family, our esteemed panel, and Jonathan French on August 16 at 6:30 p.m. at Honfleur Gallery for the awards ceremony. The award will be given promptly at 7 p.m. The ceremony is free and open to the public.