Anacostia welcomes its 1st national retailer to the neighborhood!

In case you didn't know Anacostia got its first national retailer this week. A 7-Eleven franchise is now open on Good Hope Rd at the site of the former Anacostia Food Mart. While this may not exactly be the caliber of retailer Anacostia residents were hoping for it is still a welcome addition to the business district.

Yesterday The Advoc8te along with some of her HIVE 2.0 officemates headed over to the new 7-Eleven to check out their space and indulge in a Slurpee -- or two,  or three. ;)  While The Advoc8te always equated 7-Eleven to junk food and Big Gulps I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of fresh food in the way of fruit, sandwiches, and salads. It was nice to see at least some attempt to incorporate some healthy eating into a neighborhood still considered by many to be a "food dessert."

As we were exiting I noticed that several discount stores on Good Hope Rd  had undertaken a little upgrade of their own. The shop directly across from 7-11 was sporting some freshly cleaned windows (possibly a first in the 6 years I've been in the neighborhood) and a newly organized window display.  It seems consumers aren't the only ones taking notice of the new kid on the block. ;) Here is to hoping the upgrades continue. 

Including some pictures from my visit below.